Als je het gevoel hebt vast te lopen, je in het leven lijkt stil te staan
Schroom je dan niet de stap te zetten, bij Willeke langs te gaan.
Na een hartelijk welkom, zachte blik en warme hand
Gaat ze samen met jou onderzoeken, waarom je bent gestrand.

“Sylvia Jacobs”

If you have the feeling that you are stuck, and you seem to stand still in life,
do not hesitate to take the step to visit Willeke.
After a warm welcome, kind look and congenial handshake,
she will investigate together with you why you are stranded.

Sylvia Jacobs

Does life sometimes feel too tough?

Do you suffer from fear or other strong emotions that can overtake you just like that without warning?

Are you also working too hard to experience a bit of happiness?

Are you tired of having to deal with your relationship struggles?


She absolutely works from knowledge and expertise. But what touches you and comes out most is her wisdom and intuition. She uses these gifts authentically and sincerely. As a person, she stands next to her fellow man. What a great good… Thank you Willeke!
On the phone, I already have a good impression of Willeke, which is confirmed during the introduction. You are empathetic, level-headed and focused on the road ahead. Healing is your recognition of my strength and drive that have ensured that I continue to develop myself, take responsibility for my own life and can now rely on my feelings to make the right choices. In 3 sessions, I made a big step forward. Willeke, thanks for your help!
Willeke has been able to coach me from a positive perspective and to support me with various techniques to let go of all the disruptive experiences from the past. This created space to make my true 'being' visible and to strengthen it. This has made me a very powerful and successful person who has stepped into his happiness mode!

Willeke in a nutshell

How nervous I was the hours before I opened the door for my first client more than 20 years ago. I will never forget her enthusiasm and my relief when she said she was so happy with our sessions.

The last person who could have imagined that I would see hundreds of clients in the years that followed was me.

Much has changed in my private life since then. My way of working is also constantly renewed. It goes hand-in-hand with the development that I personally go through.

Facing fears, taking myself seriously and trusting my inner knowledge has been quite a process. And, life lessons are still emerging. Through practice, I experience more and more effortlessness, even when I have to deal with major challenges. 

My heartfelt wish is that I can inspire others to also go on a journey of discovery to your ‘real me’, and thereby, fully live who you are with your own unique talents. The way I do this is through one-on-one sessions, working with couples, guiding groups and retreats.

From my inner knowledge, I cannot know what is good for you. You‘re the only one who knows. You can only discover your own truth for yourself.  

If you don’t know how to find it, I would like to share with you the knowledge and wisdom that I have gained in life.

Towards an effortless existence

During the process of the guidance, you will increasingly experience how you can make life easier for yourself.

You feel more satisfied and have more confidence, so you…

  • experience more happiness, pleasure and harmony
  • no longer have to search for anything
  • confidently make your own choices
  • you realize on a deeper level that you can really be yourself
  • have an eye on your dark sides without judgment
  • experience more connection with others
  • take yourself seriously
  • are able to take responsibility for your own well-being.

Schedule an appointment for a free phone call

Practice shows that you are full of good intentions after a session. To reinforce those good intentions, I may ask you to work between sessions with inspirational documents that I will send you. In these documents, you will find, for example, writing suggestions, exercises, videos.


Are you willing to open up to what really lives within you?
Are you willing to take responsibility for your own well-being?
Are you willing to invest energy and time in yourself?

Individual session

Couples session

Group online


Recognition and quality policy


