An effortless existence for everyone?

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What am I tired of: putting pressure on myself all the time, always having to perform, getting upset over situations I cannot control, and hoping that it will all pass once again?

How am I going to change this?  I do not consider it an option not to.

I’ve been asking myself this question for years.  I gradually discovered that there are indeed other options.  I made those discoveries through what I experienced myself and by working with my clients as a psychologist.  And, the universe also cooperated through inspiring encounters and reading a number of motivating books.

What if this is it?

In the Fall of 2019, I become extremely tired.  I can’t help but slow down. Even hanging the laundry is a chore that is almost impossible to do.  What if this is it?  What if I can’t shape the “mission” I had in mind?  Who am I if I don’t work?

Inevitable mind shift goes into full swing.

This experience led me to a decision.  I want to experience my life as effortlessly as possible. Does this mean that I am always positive and happy?  Certainly not.  Life’s challenges me to keep practicing.

Time for Renewal

More and more often, I manage to move with what is there and, above all, what is not. Slowly but surely, I have become more energized and my zest for life even returns now and then.  During one such moment, I make the decision to start creating my new website.  I also know that I cannot do this alone. 

Two professional and inspiring women come my way. 

Veerle,* my IT guru, worked on the technical side of things.  She laid the foundation for the new website. She worked tirelessly to make adjustments over and over again. Nothing ever seemed too much to her.  

And Gisèle,* who challenged me to honestly reveal myself.  Her tantalizing questions helped me clarify what I wanted to focus on.  She also helped me discover which type people I like to work with and how.

I decide for myself

Frankly, I felt a bit of resistance when I started her first assignment. “Describe your life course.” “What is the added value of that?” I thought to myself. I remember, so well, that I put that question before me every time I sat down to write.  There were always “more important things to do”.  I honestly thought so at the time. 

Gisèle said to me: “The ball is now in your court. You really should start writing now, and then we can continue our collaboration.” 

I’m quite allergic to outside pressure. When someone tells me to do something, everything in me rebels.  I have experienced this way too many times, but now that time is over.  I make my own choices.

However, Gisèle did hit the right chord. Or rather, I let myself be touched. Suddenly, it became so clear that I now have a choice. I made the decision to start writing, and I can make the decision to stop the whole process whenever I like.

Funny enough, it was only then that the pleasure of writing truly began.  The pressure was off.  In fact, I entered an unprecedented flow. It really became a party when I got to the core of my mission after brainstorming with Gisèle.

Effortless Existence

Inspiring myself and others to live in an effortless way is what drives me. By that, I do not mean that you will not encounter painful experiences or that you will experience strong emotions. But, that there are ways to deal with them effortlessly.

I practice daily with a smile and a tear. Sometimes successfully.  But sometimes, not at all.  That is, until I become aware again that I can also deal with this difficult or painful situation in an effortless way.

For me, this really makes life much more interesting and so much lighter.

“Effortless Existence”.. who doesn’t want that?  And, to think that it is for everyone? Yes .. everyone .. really.

I would like to share with you the knowledge and wisdom I have gained while practicing this way of living.

Curious? Want to know more?

Feel free to make an appointment without obligation via the calender .


*Would you like more information about the two inspiring women?

*Veerle Montes Klaver

*Gisèle Rebel

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