Towards an Effortless Existence

Do you keep putting off paying attention and time to things that really matter to you?

Do you always stumble into the same pitfalls?

Are you tired of patterns that hinder your happiness?

Do you feel that there is much more you can get out of yourself than you are currently able to?

Do you sometimes not know what you really want?

It may appeal to you to spend a number of consecutive days with a group of like-minded people:

  • to disconnect completely from your everyday existence
  • to be able to take a big developmental step forward in a short time
  • to focus on yourself to be inspired; to be pampered
  • to experience a connection with others.

Added value of our retreat

For many people, there is a clear added value to withdraw from everyday life with a number of companionable others for a few days.

To name a few examples: 

  • You literally distance yourself from your daily patterns so that you can fully focus on yourself.
  • Have fun together and share a live inside of you.
  • You work with the same themes; this also strengthens your sense of belonging.
  • You experience that you are not alone with your theme.
  • You learn from each other.
  • You don’t feel so alone in your awareness process.
  • In a safe setting, you can immediately try out what you have learned. 
  • It greatly enriches your life. You will not be the first to experience a profound change in those few days. Many have already felt this transformation.
  • You give and receive feedback in the group.
  • You build new connections.

Some find it too overwhelming to immediately go into such a process for a few consecutive days. Of course, there can be all kinds of reasons why you wouldn’t choose a retreat at this time. You can first choose to register for a group meeting.

More information about this can be found here. You also have the choice to do an individual program first. More information can be found here.

What changes can you expect?

The retreat is an unforgettable experience that brings about shifts in yourself. Sometimes subtle shifts, but often, huge shifts. Your consciousness is expanded, making you realize that you, too, can create an effortless existence. In fact, you will experience it immediately. It is not something that appears later. Luckily not. It does take practice, and we will work on that during the retreat. Get away from everyday life. Give all the time and attention to yourself. Get to know yourself better and gain new experiences.

These days can also be challenging, by the way.

Especially when you find out that you can be much more aware than you already thought you were.

Sharing these kinds of discoveries in a safe group is of great added value for many. You have the opportunity to practice safely in the group, so that after, you can apply what you’ve learned, step by step, in the “outside world” with more confidence. You will notice that you are increasingly able to make choices that are right for you. The result is that you experience more satisfaction with yourself and with life.You experience more appreciation for yourself and you feel more powerful.

In short, your zest for life is revived and you are confidently open to new experiences.

The voyage of discovery to an Effortless Existence

If you notice that something inside you is becoming curious about what it would be like to participate, I warmly invite you to make an appointment by telephone in the calendar. This meeting is free of charge and is intended to answer any questions you may have. In this conversation, I will share with you if I feel this retreat is what you are looking for.


On the road with your backpack and gaining experience

My idea was born from an inner drive to create a safe place for others, where you are challenged to discover and experience that you can trust yourself. 

You can compare the retreat with an around the world backpacking trip you might make. It starts with a healthy kind of tension and elation. You go out with your backpack having no idea what you will find. What you do know, for sure, is that you will gain experience. 

For me, it’s the experiences that matter in life. It brings you wisdom and fulfillment. It makes you who you are. Everyone goes through experiences in their own unique way. By being open to the experiences of others, our field of vision is broadened. That is why working with groups of like-minded people is so appealing to me. 

In the beginning of my development process, I always thought that I should start thinking and acting in the same way that I saw in others. Now, many years later, I see that it is the beauty of life that we are so different. I can really take my feelings and needs seriously without making any judgments about them. Curiosity has taken judgement’s place.

It has enriched my life enormously, as I have come to realize more and more that my experiences are unique and the purity that emerges is attractive to me and, no less, to my environment.

Throughout life, we ​​have created so many shells around ourselves. This is often necessary for survival. Deep within every human being there lives a longing for that purity, be it consciously or unconsciously. To really be yourself; to take yourself seriously.

This is where you will move if you participate in our retreat.

Coming back to the metaphor of the around the world backpacking trip. It is during such a journey that you discover, with your backpack on, how you deal with setbacks; with your emotions. Also, which patterns make life easier for you and which ones counteract this. You learn that there are multiple perspectives through which you move towards an Effortless Existence.

You discover more and more aspects of your “true self” during the process.

Wie begeleidt de retraite?

The retreat is run by Mirjam Amoraal and me. If you want to know more about me, please take a look at this site under Willeke, if you have not already done so.

Mirjam owns . She is also my daughter, and as passionate as I am about creating a safe place for others with the aim of supporting anyone who wants to participate in the process of living more in freedom because of trust. 

Incidentally, together with Mirjam, I also give Mother-Daughter retreats and Fear retreats. For more information about that click on the links.

What can you expect from us?

During an around the world trip, you use the means of transport that appeal to you most at that moment; what you feel like or what is available. You, as a participant, and we, as guides, coordinate where the need lies and continue our journey. So, that’s how I see our role.

The knowledge I have gained in my many years of work as a psychologist, in combination with sometimes radical life experiences, have made me who I am today. With that backpack, I will take the lead from presence and intuition.

We provide you with relevant tools and introduce ways or methodologies that have worked well for us and many of our clients, and often, still work well.

From my perspective I will use Connecting Communication, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Constellations, and also in-depth writing. A few of the authors who are a huge inspiration for me are Paul Ferrini, Deepak Chopra and Don Miguel Ruez’s Five Insights.

Be sure to take a look at Mirjam’s site where you can read more about her motivations. You can call her, as well, if you would like more information about the retreat.

Our approach is that in addition to the “serious work”, we also experience at least as much fun and relaxation together.

Wanneer, waar en wat kost het?

Locations in the Netherlands:

Westelbeers, NB
Hilton Garden Inn

January 15, 16 and 17, 2021 in Leiden

January 22, 23 and 24, 2021 in Westelbeers

After these, we organize monthly retreat weekends. You can also register for them now.

Arrival is on Friday afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m.  The program starts at 4:00 p.m. Completion is on Sunday between 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., the latest.

We start with a Kick-off meeting via Zoom no later than two weeks before the program begins. We will, therefore, ask you to do some preparatory exercises.

Of course, we will provide the necessary hygienic measures in connection with Covid-19.

Total price

€ 595,- / pp

  • kick-off meeting via Zoom no later than two weeks before the start of the retreat
  • a long weekend to gain new experiences in a beautiful relaxing environment
  • you have a private room at your disposal with shower and toilet
  • you can enjoy a full breakfast, an invigorating lunch and at day’s end, a delicious healthy dinner
  • space to spend free time by yourself or with others, for example, taking a lovely walk in the beautiful, natural surroundings of the resort
  • 1-on-1 contact with one of the two supervisors, if desired

I found it very valuable to work together on the theme, where there was room for everyone's input and needs. Great how you have an eye for everyone, Willeke!


What if you can't afford it?

You may be in a situation where you would like to participate, but the financial side is holding you back. If you would like, you can contact me so that we can investigate what it takes to participate together.