Intense 2-day; an impression

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Part 3 of 3

A week after the Intense 2-day, I call Mila. I am very curious about the effect of our togetherness.

‘I don’t understand what has happened. I feel so calm. I don’t know this sensation. It’s hard to find the right words. It’s about being very close to myself. No more worrying about something happening that I don’t want to, because I know I have no control over it. You don’t have to, because I trust it… yes, and what do I actually trust? ” She pauses for a moment and continues: “I trust myself. That is it. It’s almost scary. I’m afraid that I’ll relapse soon. ‘  

“It will take some getting used to, Mila,” I say reassuringly. “It still needs time to adapt within you.”

“Not once have I had a falling out with Peter,” she says proudly. ‘So much peace has come over me, also between us. And what’s so special … my own room is ready. That I have been dreading this for almost a year now. I don’t understand it myself.’

We look back on how the two days went. Mila says: ‘I really liked the variety of time together and also alone. Our walks on the beach were also wonderful. What I found so special was the last session on Sunday afternoon. Suddenly, I saw so clearly where my need for recognition came from. And, also how it was that I had the tendency to keep myself small and to be dependent on Peter. What an insight. When I discussed it with my sister over the past week, she agreed. With this, the circle is complete for me.’

‘Hey Mila, do you hear what you’re saying? You’re talking in the past tense. Sounds like it just fell into place for you,‘ I say.

I am just as happy and impressed as Mila. What a surprising effect of our 2-day.

We look back a bit and conclude our conversation. My idea for this Intense 2-day just came out of the blue. Now that I’ve done it, I see great benefits.

When you come into my practice as a client for a session, you step back into your everyday worries after the session. But, with this Intense 2-day, you can take a lot more time, which gives your personal development a big boost, because you stay in your own bubble. You don’t have to go straight back into normal life. Your mask can come off and thus you meet other aspects of yourself that may surprise you quite a bit. All focus is on you. Being in a different environment certainly contributes, as well.

Incidentally, it also works for couples who need deepening and more connection in their relationship. And, for couples who want clarity in a short time, whether they will continue together or not.

Want to know more about this? Please contact us.