‘Effortless’ is not the same as ‘easy’

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With the launch of my effortlessexistence.nl website and the conversations I have with others about this, it is again, quite visible how we are able to use the same words, yet interpret them so differently. Fascinating, yes?

Some people react a bit angrily: “This may be feasible for you, but I am completely financially constrained. I find it hard work to stay afloat. In fact, I’m barely surviving and hope only one thing, that this will soon pass.

An older woman explains to me: “If you could feel what I went through, you would understand that life really hasn’t been effortless for me. I lost my child when she was only 12. Less than a year later, my husband ran off with another woman. No, life has been hard for me. Not a day goes by when I don’t feel sad about the loss that has happened to me. “

I also speak to others who react rather expectantly. “An effortless existence?! I want that too!”  They are curious about what you can do to experience a more uncomplicated way of living. They ask me questions. What do you mean by ‘effortless existence’?  How do you do that?  Can I also achieve that?’

No right or wrong

For me, there is no right or wrong with these responses.

Nevertheless, the more indignant reactions touch me because I know that survival mode so well. Being trapped in that position and seeing no way to break the cycle. Constantly in survival mode. That can’t be the purpose of life.  

How would things be if that older woman gave up her resistance? What if she realized she had a choice to deal with the heartbreaking loss differently?  

Of course this is an exciting process. It takes courage and knowledge to deal with pain and uncertainty. It takes effort and practice to leave old patterns that don’t help you, even if it is so human to consciously or unconsciously cling to the known. 

However, it is necessary if you want to experience more effortlessness in life.

Every person reacts to various situations and circumstances from his/her own perspective. How fascinating it is for me to discover what that perspective is within the other person.

I will explain from what perspective I have discovered how you can create your own path to an effortless existence by practicing just moving with what is there. It does not matter whether you are sad or angry or simply cheerful and happy. For me, it is about gaining experience. I continue to practice giving up the resistance, embracing my emotions and letting go of the stories I tell myself time and time again. It then becomes more and more effortless to deal with what presents itself.

It makes me a happier person, and I can move more easily with everything that happens to me. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I had discovered this years earlier. But, I also know it won’t blow over.  It requires ongoing practice and awareness.

I invite you to discover what can change when you move more in your life and approach your situations from a different perspective. Would you like to exchange thoughts about this? Please feel free to contact us via the calendar for a free 15- to 30-minute appointment by telephone.

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